Smart words, silly words, wise words, weird words, ridiculous words, sexy words, gullible words, fashion right words or no words. Here you can risk to bump into all.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


Friday 22 April 2011

It takes two

So yeah. I should have made my move. Should have turned my head, and kissed you. But the thing is, I'm a chicken. And I didn't want to screw things up, and I wasn't completely sure about you. Looking back now, I should have been sure, but there was a little part inside me, saying what if. I wouldn't wanna ruin the whole say with a wrong move. So call me a chicken, but I don't make the same mistake twice. Next time, oh next time.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Fit in/dont fit in?

Sometimes, I feel like I don't fit in. It's not that the people don't like me. Well I don't think they don't. It's when I'm somewhere with a big group, and everyone stands in small groups for themselves. I'll stand for myself and look around, and realize that I cant really talk to any of them. Then eventually I'll go to a group, only to find I can't be part of the conversation, or they don't get my jokes. I'll move on to the next where they'll be acting like I'm not there, or they have in-jokes I'm not part of. Well that's how it feels.
A friend told me today; Just be yourself. It's better to stand a bit out, than not to be noticed. And I guess she's right in theory. But how can you be yourself and relax, when you feel like you need to be part of it all, for standing out? Sometimes it's not easy to be new, and knowing you are leaving soon is not helping it.     -If only you could skip that get-to-know-part. Then it would be easier.

Thursday 24 March 2011

If The Stars Were Mine - Melody Gardot -

If the starts were mine, I'd give them all to you. I'd pluck them right from they sky, and leave it only blue :)

Thursday 17 March 2011

Giv a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he'll live forever.
Life is what happens, when you are busy making other plans.

Saturday 12 March 2011

It must be love

It must be love, love, love. it's that feeling of love, when you least expect it, that makes it worth it!

Monday 14 February 2011

Today is a shitty day.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Mariah McManus - Unarmed

Sometime things don't turn out the way you planned... Sometimes they turn out to be complete opposite from what you wanted. But in a way it's still okay to imagine the things in your head. It gives you a kind of peace. The feeling of happiness hits your head in a short moment. But it's a good thing. It's good to make space for the unreal too. and who knows? Maybe it might turn out even better than you wanted. Let your mind go. Let yourself feel your feelings inside. dream your dreams.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Thursday 27 January 2011


I have a motto. A motto I use in every situation, to relax, and make people get the impression that I'm relaxed.
I'm gonna tell you. When ever things get too much then always say it to yourself.

Which way?

When nearly everything points in one direction, try to go in the other. Do something different. Take chances, even though it easily can go wrong. Many people gets scared, by asking them selfs, "what if?". And what if? What if you didn't do something different? what if you didn't go a little crazy sometimes? I'll tell you what if. What if? Well, if so, things would be different from how they are now. How they were and how they are gonna be. But what if not? Things would also be different. Some things that can seem unspeakable frightening and border, can turn out to be some of the best that ever happened to you. So think about what way you go.

Thursday 20 January 2011

It's not how good you are.

It's not how good you are. it's how good you want to be. People who goes through school without having to work for the good marks, usually doesn't get that far. People who learns at an early age that you have to work to get what you get, comes further, cause they know and are used to work.
Don't do things half. Don't sit round and think; next time I will do it really good, but this time I'm too lazy. There might not be a next time. Do the best you can every time. Nobody like people who do stuff half. Give 100%, and you'll get back what you worked for.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

The reason for time, is so everything don't happen at once.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

The boy and the goose.

The boy blames the goose. The goose blames the boy. Who do you blame?
If it was part your fault, blame yourself and not others...

Wednesday 12 January 2011

I går serverede jeg nogle gamle damer hvor jeg arbejder. Jeg startede at snakke med dem om hvad jeg lavede der, og hvad jeg gerne ville lave fremover. Jeg fortalte dem at jeg gerne ville være skuespiller. Og i stedet for at kigge skeptisk på mig som alle andre og sige; arh, er det nu en god idé? så sagde de nogen som virkelig fik mig til at tænke. De sagde; Du er ung. Du har hele dit liv foran dig. Hvis du virkelig vil det, kan du! Hvis du tror på dig selv, og arbejder for det, er jeg sikker på du nok skal komme der.
Og de havde ret. Jeg er ung, energisk og har hele min fremtid foran mig. Jeg gider ikke ende op på et plejehjem og sidde og kigge tilbage på mit liv, og ærge mig over de chancer jeg ikke tog. De drømme jeg opgav. De mange oplevelser jeg kunne have haft, men ikke fik.
Så det er med at få fingeren ud af røven og få lavet noget. Man kan sidde og være en nederen person, eller man kan lade være. Det kan ikke være rigtigt at andre mennesker skal bestemme hvordan du har det og opfører dig.
Så du er lidt nede i dag? og hvad så. Det er ikke en god nok undskyldning. Kom dog ud af døren. Bliv lidt for fuld til den fest. Kys med lidt for mange. hav lidt for høje sko på. overrask dig selv. Hav det sjovt. nyd livet før det er for sent. nyd flammen på stearinlyset, før det brænder ned og går ud.

Kate Nash - The Nicest Thing

I wish you had a favorite beautyspot. That you loved secretly, cause it was on a hidden bit, that nobody else could see. Hvor kan folk dog være uhøflige, uforskammede og urare. Jeg bryder mig ikke om de folk. Men når man er blændet af alle de rare ting over dem, kan det være svært at fokusere på det dårlige.
Jeg kan se hvordan nogle af de ting du gør, ikke er alt for gode. Men jeg kan også se den gode del af dig. Hvordan alt dårligt du gør, næsten er ment på den gode måde. Nøj hvor er det dog svært at arbejde med. Når du har to sider, som modarbejder hinanden, men samtidig bakker hinanden op i alt det de gør.
øv, ad oh åh.

Monday 3 January 2011

Hvor meget plads har du?

Nogle gange kan det godt være svært at overkomme det hele. Nogle gange sker der for meget på en gang. Man får følelsen af, at der ikke er plads til det hele, inden i en selv. At man på en måde er ved at sprække. Sådan kan jeg godt få det. Det er egentligt ikke fordi jeg ikke har styr på mit liv. Men nogle gange får jeg bare for mange følelser på en gang, og så kan de dårlige følelser godt tage over små-ting, og gøre dem meget størrere end de i virkeligheden er. Og det værste ved det er, at der ikke er meget at gøre, andet end at vente til det er gået over. Men de dage hvor man venter, kan virkelig være hårde. Man kan miste lysten til at spise, til at sove, til at se andre mennesker, til at snakke, til at forlade sin seng. Men det vigtigste er at man kommer igennem de dage. For som sagt af en ven, "sometimes we need to suffer, to get things done". Så hold ud, sørg for at du overlever de dage, og det hele skal nok gå godt igen.